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As of June 30, Longyuan Xinjiang company Alashankou wind farm annual cumulative power generation exceeded 100 million kwh.

Alashankou wind farm in the power situation is increasingly grim situation, in accordance with the group "double upgrade" work requirements, in-depth implementation of the production of efficient management and equipment fine management, and strive to reduce the wind turbine and boost station equipment failure rate, Wind farm all the staff of the tireless efforts of equipment failure rate decreased by 40%.

To ensure the generation of electricity, the wind farm organization to mobilize all resources and strength, do everything possible to deal with power cuts, pay close attention to power to send, to strengthen and transfer, to adjust the communication, timely report of the difficulties of wind farms, do their best to fight for electricity The At the same time, increase the intensity of the standard assessment, the implementation of wind turbine team responsibility system, by strengthening the power transmission equipment inspection and maintenance measures to ensure the optimal operation of equipment within the station, the effective control of the plant electricity, the maximum reduction in losses, Year work tasks laid the foundation.